is designed, written, and produced by
Gosha Tcherednitchenko, with illustrations
by T.L. and Darius Dan.
Typeset in IBM Plex Sans and Berkeley Mono.
Essential tools used in production include:
- HTML generation: Jekyll 4.3, with jekyll-feed and jekyll-autoprefixer
- Code editing, task management, general purpose operating system: Emacs
- Version control: Git via Magit
- Builds and automatic deployment: GitHub Actions
7.6/httpd at Hetzner Cloud
The site uses icons from Twemoji by Twitter, via twemoji-amazing, and an RSS feed icon adapted from FeedIcons.
Privacy statement
This is a static website; it does not use cookies.
I use Plausible, a privacy-focused analytics tool, to collect limited non-personally identifiable stats on visitors. Please see their data policy.
Please see the Accessibility Statement.
Build information
Last updated on :
→ feat(about): cv -> linkedin :'(
Made with in London